Westmoreland Dance Alliance proudly presents...
Competitive Team
The studio's performance company team will be competing at two mandatory dance competitions.
The studio's performance company team will be competing at two mandatory dance competitions.
Ages 3-5 year old: Dance 1 -2 days per week
Ages 3-5 year old: Dance 1 -2 days per week
Ages 6-10 year old: Dance 1-2 days per week
Ages 11 & up: Dance 1-2 days per week
Ages 6-10 year old: Dance 1-2 days per week
Ages 11 & up: Dance 1-2 days per week
WDA's Performance Company is designed for students interested in competing, but may not have enough dance experience to fully commit to a competitive team. This would also be a good way for someone who is interested in dipping their toe in the competitive waters, to try out competitive dance at WDA. Students are required to take 1 day of dance per week. Required classes consist of Ballet & Jazz Technique, Choreography and 1 Elective class of parent's choosing.
Students will compete 1 dance at 2 mandatory competitions and may elect to compete a solo, duo or trio at a minimum of one competition.
It is encouraged that all WDAcompany & Performance Company members take at least one 30 minute private lesson per week. This lesson can be used as a standing technical private to receive specialized one-on-one attention from a Westmoreland Dance Alliance teacher, OR learn one solo to compete at various dance competitions. If a student is taking more than one 30 minute solo per week, then that student shall compete with more than one solo. duo, or trio at each dance competition. Technical privates may also be utilized on an a la carte basis throughout the year with scheduling done between parent and teacher as recommended/ needed.
1- 30 minute solo: $90.00 per month
2- 30 minute solos: $170.00 per month
3- 30 minute solos: $260.00 per month
1- 30 minute duo: 60 per month
1- 30 minute trio: $50.00 per month
** Please note, if student is registered for multiple 30 minute solos, they may receive instruction from one or more teachers at Westmoreland Dance Alliance.